Sub-industry inventory turnover increase Pay attention to this key point

In the long-term development perspective, electronic manufacturing enterprises need to achieve good benefits in internal management, to achieve account matching, global planning, implementation of responsibility, information technology construction and many other aspects. However, electronic enterprises want to complete the above conditions is not easy, especially in the warehouse management, there are many management pain points:

1、Multiple product models
There are many types of materials/finished products stored in the warehouse with complex naming and similar material numbers. It takes a long time for novices to understand these materials/finished products before they can reach independent picking and material picking.

2、Commodity placement at will
There are enough storage spaces in the warehouse, but there are some employees who are greedy for convenience and put some materials/finished products in a place at random, and forget to write a list to submit afterwards, which makes it very time-consuming to find materials.

3、Inconsistency in inventory accounts
The storage process is not standardized, operation errors, warehouse personnel wrongly take wrongly put resulting in inaccurate data, and the interval is relatively long, to be inventory to know the data abnormal, and there is no way to query the person responsible for the problem, so that the accounts are not consistent.

4、Many loopholes in the management of valuable materials
IC and other valuable materials, small size and easy to carry, prone to management loopholes such as loss and theft.

5、Update cycle block
Electronic components update cycle is faster, backward inventory information is more likely to produce stagnant materials, increasing inventory backlog capital

6、Tracing difficulties
Lack of batch management makes it difficult to form an effective traceability link.

Standard Leader Technology electronic manufacturing warehouse solutions, based on barcode warehousing system, established to meet the typical warehouse business needs of the electronics industry, not only to solve the above warehouse management problems, but also to help enterprises to achieve the operational process can be controlled, visible and traceable, integration of warehouse resources, real-time inventory accuracy, product traceability in the warehouse, etc., to improve the degree of warehouse information. At the same time, it can be integrated with other information information such as SAP and ERP to significantly improve the market competitiveness and brand efficiency of electronic enterprises.

Main Highlights

1、Storage space management
Materials can be realized according to the storage position inventory, for accurate storage; support fixed storage position function, after configuring fixed storage position, the system can automatically bring out the storage position when subsequent in and out of the warehouse.

2、Barcode management
Through barcode technology, realize one thing one code management. Employees use PDA handheld devices to scan the code operation, and the data is automatically updated, fast and accurate, reducing human errors.

3、Regulatory management
Strengthen the authority and responsibility to the ground, the material in and out of the warehouse, the warehouse must receive the corresponding documents to perform.

4、Inventory inventory
The system supports the way of sampling and full inventory, regular or irregular inventory of materials, to do "account, material, card" consistent.

5、Product traceability, batch number and serial number management
It is structured with complete quality management and traceability links, serial number and batch management, which can trace every step of the product in the warehouse and visualize and transparent the quality of the product.

6、Operation process control
Real-time recording and control of the completion of on-site operations, through the query function of the system, you can find out the problems in the process of operation and make improvements in time.

7、Seamless integration with ERP system
Through seamless integration with ERP system, we can realize the integration of warehouse data and financial data, enhance the effectiveness of ERP system utilization, and improve supply chain efficiency.

Standard collar barcode warehouse management system, breaking the traditional model, with scientific warehouse management mode, handheld PDA equipment, the whole process of barcode, automated management, to help electronic enterprises to achieve easy warehouse management, accounts match, improve efficiency.

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